Sunday, April 3, 2016


Once again, another kid finding his way to his future...Dylan.  While it seems it happens in a short span of time, the truth is that it has been a process that has been occurring for years.

The 7 year old who walked through my door confused, traumatized, angry, and empty is walking out a secure, enthusiastic, happy, and prepared young man.  To be able to articulate my heart as I type this out is nearly impossible to know the direction nor the ability of how I will possibly organize my thoughts.  They are most certainly and justifiably all over the place.

My relationship with Dylan was challenged from the start.  How could it not be?  He wasn't looking for new parents and I was certainly blindsided in gaining them. The kid at 5 and 6 that I visited at his home in Florida was always a relief to realize he wasn't one that I had to manage.  I empathized with the challenges that Lisa and Les endured and attempted to manage though occupational therapies and inadequate efforts.  Their reality resulted in my gratitude being even more enhanced for the way we were raising our family...and then that reality (theirs) became ours.

Accepting the responsibility as a calling of God and an expression of my love for Lisa was my mindset and the position of my heart.  I put all else out of my mind.  I could never have imagined all the distractions that pushed in and were unable to be avoided and required even more time and effort than just the significant challenge at hand. Somewhere along the way,  I had to learn that God had accounted for that as well...and He knew who He chose and why.

Through years of consistent application of dietary restrictions and quality fats and the most healthy resources implemented at every turn including words of faith spoken over him accompanied by endless modifications when things seemed to not be working and expected boundaries for his behavior outbursts and attitudes it is now evident that a commitment to faith was all that was required. The stoic confidence that now exudes from Dylan today is one of the greatest external and palpable personality traits that others observe...especially me since I have been in it from the beginning and can only marvel at what God has done.

To watch him develop his interests in life and independently research ways to invest, develop and direct his energy today is the greatest gift to me as I know he wisely and prudently ascertains his course as it unfolds.

As one who sacrificed so much for this incredibly rewarding outcome (without qualification at any level but possessing only ONE necessary characteristic for success and that is FAITH in God), not limited to but including energy that I thought would have been required for the other 4 kids but this ONE so desperately needed directed every step of the way,  I can say with every ounce of my being, that is was so worth trusting God for the outcome of every one of them.  My commitment met God's mercy and grace, and that young man of today is a reflection of the promises of God when we trust Him beyond our circumstances, beyond our abilities...and beyond our understanding.  And you know, the other 4 that were what many would call "deprived" (including my very own mother) because of the needs of the ONE,  are also beyond rooted in their faith and in their confidence in their own future's.

As Dylan prepares to go into the world, I more clearly understand why we trust God and lean not on our own understanding.

Today, when his final report card came home, and I saw for the first and last time his "graded performance"  (which has not looked remotely like this before), it summed up what I am attempting to communicate.  The deficits have been overcome, the enthusiasm for his future reflected in his ability to face each challenge with intention and place every obstacle under his feet as he will forge ahead to his calling within his own life.

My heart is full and my faith has grown and my kid is a product of the words and the life given him though the ONE who gave it all to me in the first place.  Thank YOU Jesus...ONLY YOU could produce the quality of the product that this world will be blessed by.  What an honor to answer
our call, battle the obstacles and look ONLY to You for the end result.

The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it. ~1 Thessalonians 5:24

When God calls you, He will equip you.

When God calls you, He qualifies you.
When God calls you, He will provide.

I have never had more confidence in this truth than I do today.  I can tell you that it does not come through having faith, but through exercising faith.  I believe not only I can say this with confidence, but Dylan can as well.