Sunday, December 27, 2015

Daniel's Time Capsule

 When Daniel was in 8th grade at Valley School of Ligonier one of the activities was to do a "Time Capsule" which was his interpretation of the driving forces behind who he was as well as the reflections that he had of himself.  It was a thought provoking exercise and one that the kids would be sent when they were seniors in high school.  The parental involvement was for a latter to be written by a parent/parents that would share our hearts for their hopes/future/character etc.  Daniel's arrived today.  I wrote this from my perspective then...and clearly from my perspective always.

What an honor to speak life over your kids and see the faithfulness of God.

 It typically doesn't turn out the way we think...or even on the track we see at the time, but it always turns out as it is supposed to as we trust Him with our kids and their futures. While the road isn't paved, it is rocky and filled with holes we couldn't see, but what we can see is God weaving it together for a beautiful tapestry that enables us to be useful and purposeful and living life with passion and commitment to what matters most and exactly for the purposes we have been created for.

The LORD said to me, "You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled." ~Jeremiah 1:12

Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Morning 2015. Amazed By The Love Of God

This Christmas was special at our house. My husband has had something on his heart for awhile to do with the kids. We planned to Skype Daniel in from Hawaii and instead he was here due to unforeseen circumstances which enabled him to participate in a very significant way...definitely best in the flesh. Danny reminded the kids of God's 3 main promises over our lives and how all of our adversity has rooted us in them. He read them from God's was an incredible reminder of God's faithfulness. It was the perfect transition to what came next and Danny went from kid to kid and asked what they saw in the past year from their own perspective and what they were learning about themselves and where they were grateful to God and what was on their hearts for the future. It was amazing to see each kid so specific and dialed in to themselves. It was riveting and as a parent who has not had an easy time of any aspect of my parenting this tribe of 5 I am one blessed Mom. God's promises are so real...trusting Him when things are bigger and badder than you can understand is an opportunity to see Him be Who He wants to be for us all. Danny reminded the kids that they will each do better than him in this life...and life isn't about making a living but making a difference....and God has chosen them for even more than what He is called to. Speaking life, giving thanks, acknowledging the power of God to redirect and overcome our obstacles is where and how we learn to live in faith. My kids are blessed to have a dad that lives it, knows it and can share it from humility and gratitude and I am blessed to be his helpmate, best friend and have him as the lover of my soul on this journey we call life. Merry Christmas everyone...may you all connect with our Savior and His plan for your life in the same way...He wants all we have to give Him...and when giving our all, we experience LIFE...the very essence of it given through Jesus to us...the reason He came from heaven.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Spilling From The Soul, The Heart Releases

Olivia graduated this year.  What God has allowed me the privilege of participating in for His plan for her life has humbled me in more ways than I could ever desire, understand or achieve without His mercy, grace and favor.  It was so important to me on this day to share with her what has forever been in my heart since that day she and her twin brother walked through my front door.  It was December 31, 2003.  I was ill-prepared, ill-equipped, and just sick myself from the pain of my well as my gain.  This is what I had printed on parchment paper and included with her gift:  her Mom's Rolex watch that has been in a safety deposit box for nearly 12 years.  That afternoon, wrapping and praying and praying and wrapping...and crying over Lisa was yet another day I will always remember in my closet as one that God gave me to continue to heal as well as become prepared for that most challenging season of our lives beginning to transition.  The joy and the pain exist in this life simultaneously. I am so thankful God chose ME to honor Him...and of course to honor the love I will always have for her mom.  She was my best friend in every way.  I have never trusted anyone or felt myself more than when we were together.  Abrupt and devastating loss is something that cannot be quantified, but over time, perspective that comes through our growth in our pain makes our faith more understood and our God more real.  

Grafted in...a love like no other....

The next chapter in her life as well as my own is beginning...and if there was ever one thing I repeatedly asked God for with hope in His hand of assurance within, it is that when she left our home, she would be prepared in her faith, in her convictions and in her aspirations for seeking His best as her journey continues as a woman.  I can honestly say, this has been accomplished and my gratitude runs as deep as my soul.

The "RESILIENCE" Award goes to....

What Your Mom May Have Said To You Today:

If Lisa were here this day, I believe among the things she would say:

How proud of You I am…what You have experienced in your life I can whisper in your ear always, “I am so sorry.”  “I miss You so much.”  “I will always love You.”  “I will see You again one day.”  “We will never be apart again.”  “There will not be another tear shed  from that day on.”

I believe she knows exactly your whereabouts and the condition of your heart.

I believe her trust is in God’s best for You…just as it is for me.

I believe she is at peace with who you are and who you continue to become…just as I am. 

I believe she is aware of the quality of your character and the desires of your heart…just as I believe I am for the things that matter the most.

I believe she would want You to have this gift as an anticipated reminder of the time from then until when You meet again…just as I do ☺

Happy Graduation Olivia…You are a jewel in my crown…and one I could NEVER have earned without the grace, love and mercy of God who chose me for such an incredible purpose and your mom who believed in me always.  The emotion and conviction I have and have always lived by is rooted in my love for her and my faith in Him as well as hope for who I knew I was capable of becoming because “He first loved me.” ~1 John 4:19

I am so excited to watch and see where He leads You as you trust Him…don’t ever think SMALL!!

You know this verse well and I hope when You think of the life You have lived as a person as well as the one we have lived as a family, this one comes to your heart and mind before all others:

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. ~Romans 8:28

I love you!

My heartfelt hope....